Clare Grantham, Caitlin Sheehan & Amelia Everdell

Months of charity fund raising came to a fruitful close last week when the two entrants in the

National Cherry Festival Queen-quest presented cheques to their charities.

At the start of the quest in August, entrants Amelia Everdell and Clare Grantham all expressed a passion to support their chosen charities.

Amelia raised funds for the Boorowa/Young CanAssist and Clare supported Young Community Chest.

The cheque handover took place at the National Cherry Festival Committee debrief meeting on

Wednesday night which was attended by members of the committee and the wider community.

During the handover, festival committee president Caitlin Sheehan congratulated each girl for her

contribution to the festival, her charity and the wider community.

Fund raising events organised by the entrants included a movie nights, high teas,

barefoot bowls night, a golf day, fashion parade, masquerade dinner dance and a 100 club.

A total of $17,069.84 was raised, with a percentage donated to the National Cherry Festival for the event.

The competition is an important part of this overall festival and is open to both men and women,

married or single, who are 18 years of age or over.

If you’d like to consider entering and raising money for a local charity or organisation next year

contact the Young Visitor Information Centre on 6382 3394 for more details.

Involvement can help lift the public profile of an organisation, establish a fundraising platform and

can lead to new experiences and opportunities for candidates.